Problem Statement
Given two strings s
and t
, find the smallest substring of s
that has all the characters of t
(including duplicates). If there is no such substring, then return an empty string.
Example 1:
Input: s = "ADOBECODEBANC", t = "ABC"
Output: "BANC"
Explanation: The smallest substring of s that includes all the characters of t is "BANC".
Example 2:
Input: s = "a", t = "a"
Output: "a"t
Example 3:
Input: s = "a", t = "aa"
Output: ""
Explanation: Both 'a's from t must be included in the smallest substring. Since no such substring exists, return "".
This problem is based on the variable-size sliding window pattern. We can use the sliding window strategy similar to the one discussed in the problem Longest Substring with K distinct characters.
Here is the complete implementation with comments for clarity:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
class MinimumWindowSubstring {
private static String findMinimumWindowSubstring(String s, String t) {
int n = s.length();
// length of the minimum window substring (smallest substring of s that has all characters of t)
int minWindowSubstrLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// start index of the minimum window substring
int minWindowSubstrStart = 0;
// stores the count of each character in the current window
Map<Character, Integer> windowCharMap = new HashMap<>();
// stores the count of each character in the string t
Map<Character, Integer> substrMap = new HashMap<>();
for(int i = 0; i < t.length(); i++) {
char c = t.charAt(i);
substrMap.put(c, substrMap.getOrDefault(c, 0)+1);
int windowStart = 0;
for(int windowEnd = 0; windowEnd < n; windowEnd++) {
// Add the next character of the string to the window
char c = s.charAt(windowEnd);
windowCharMap.put(c, windowCharMap.getOrDefault(c, 0)+1);
// Keep looking for a smaller window while the current window substring contains all the characters of t
while(containsAll(windowCharMap, substrMap)) {
if(windowEnd-windowStart+1 < minWindowSubstrLength) {
minWindowSubstrLength = windowEnd-windowStart+1;
minWindowSubstrStart = windowStart;
// move the leftmost character out of the window
char leftChar = s.charAt(windowStart);
windowCharMap.put(leftChar, windowCharMap.get(leftChar)-1);
if(windowCharMap.get(leftChar) == 0) {
windowStart++; // shrink the window
return s.substring(minWindowSubstrStart, minWindowSubstrStart+minWindowSubstrLength);
private static boolean containsAll(Map<Character, Integer> windowCharMap, Map<Character, Integer> substrMap) {
for(Map.Entry<Character, Integer> entry : substrMap.entrySet()) {
char c = entry.getKey();
int count = entry.getValue();
if(!windowCharMap.containsKey(c)) {
return false;
if(windowCharMap.get(c) < count) {
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
String s =;
String t =;
System.out.printf("Minimum window substring = %s%n", findMinimumWindowSubstring(s, t));